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Product Name: Numerologist PRO Report CB – Numerologist PRO

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Numerologist PRO Report CB – Numerologist PRO is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.




Simple! It’s the world’s most comprehensive numerology report, exploring your soul blueprint and name analysis

Your Soul Blueprint offers an unparalleled, in-depth numerological reading, revealing all your innate energies and potentials, personal success codes, joy, and flow in life, as well as your unique strengths, talents, challenges, and life lessons.

Moreover, you’ll gain a thorough analysis of your full name (name chart, vocation chart, and personality chart), assessing how well your name supports you in every aspect of life, from love and relationships to career and beyond.

Delve into your comprehensive Soul Blueprint with over 41 numerological energies. Explore your unique codes for inner joy, success, flow in actions, and harmony in relationships through your online member page and in-depth report.

Learn about yourself and the most advanced, accurate numerology system: Chaldean numerology. Gain a deep understanding of key concepts while uncovering your personal numbers.

From soul level to life mission, thought patterns to emotional tendencies, and physical circumstances, understand yourself inside-out through five revealing charts.

Unlock your innate talents and receive guidance on using them. Work with your personal energies, and follow your Universal Blueprint for greater flow, success, luck, and happiness.

Understand the experiences your names attract, whether they support your life mission, and how others perceive you. Align your desires with what you attract in the physical world.

Our extensive statistics reveal crucial number codes and their potentials. See how your numbers translate into specific careers and talents based on insights from famous individuals.

Examine your entire setup to identify recurring themes and problem areas. Gain insights into the energies that create resistance in your life.

Receive a holistic assessment of your name setup and discover how a name change session with a numerologist could improve your life. Unlock the keys to becoming a higher version of yourself.

Embrace your numerological Soul Blueprint to enhance your life. Gain insights into your potentials, pitfalls, and soul’s desires, empowering you to make aligned life decisions while exploring your actions, communication, feelings, and thoughts.

Here are some of the benefits you can experience by knowing your innate, numerological energies and potentials:

Over the years, we have studied all the major archetypal systems in the world, from astrology to the Enneagram, Jung’s archetypes, and all the major spiritual and esoteric wisdom systems. While all of these are valuable, our experience is that Chaldean numerology is the most accurate archetype system in the world.

The basis of Chaldean numerology is the science of vibrations and cycles. Our date system, which reaches deep into our collective subconscious and is used as an interphase to Universal Cosmic Time, is composed of numbers that have an inherent cyclical nature that reflects the cycles of the universe and in turn reflects the energies that the soul resonates with when it chooses to incarnate in a physical body here on earth.

Our names are converted to numerical values through the “Chaldean alphabet-to-number system” – an ancient and ingenious way of correlating sound with vibration. All this leads to the Chaldean numerology being so precise

The system itself is ancient and has its roots in the highest and most initiated knowledge of the ancient Vedas from India and ancient Egypt, which found its way to Chaldea, and then Greece and Europe. Through the ages, Chaldean numerology has been expanded and refined through experience, creating a system of increasing precision and power.

It is also our goal, through our research into the ancient sources of numerology, as well as our studies with modern statistics, to contribute to the increasing accuracy of numerology.

Our research shows that successful and famous people live out the universal energies they carry through their numerological BLUEPRINT.

And that there are correlations between certain numbers and certain talents and career choices.

Using advanced software, we have created STATISTICS on over 100,000 successful and famous people in the history of the world. We looked at their Day Vibration, Month Vibration, Year Vibration, Life path Numbers, Names, Vocation chart, Personality chart and correlated the results with their personality traits, career choices and level of success.

And the results are nothing short of astounding…

When we look at the statistics of such a large group of people, we notice certain “trends”, so we can infer that certain innate numbers increase the likelihood of being born with certain talents and abilities.

All numbers have potential for success if you learn to use them correctly. So there are no “good” and “bad” numbers when we talk about innate energies. But it is about the extent to which one is able to pursue the particular TALENTS and unique CODES FOR SUCCESS that one carries in one’s numerological blueprint.

We’ve included some of the most exciting findings in the report so that you can see, for example, how certain of your numbers relate to specific potentials, talents, and career choices. In this way, you can be inspired by some of the world’s most successful people who may have a numerological blueprint similar to yours.

When we zoomed out and looked at the top 500, 28 as most prominent day vibration was overtaken by the number 19. And when we passed the 500 mark and looked at all the billionaires the number 1 became the most prominent. Interesting that 28, 19 and 1 are all “ones” in numerology.

We also saw a statistically relevant presence of the number 14 in the name and life expression numbers.

The most prominently featured day vibration is 17/8 . The number 17/8 is traditionally called “The Star” and is about being known, attracting the spotlight and being able to shine while on stage.

We also saw a lot of the number 29 as life path number – 29 is a number that loves to entertain others and is a master of social interaction.

Rather than seeing specific numbers, we saw a complex interplay between the numbers 4, 8, 24 and 7.

This again confirmed what Chaldean numerology tells us, especially regarding the tension between the numbers 4 and 8.

4 and 8 can create a lot of tension and inner turmoil. But if correctly harnessed and especially also if put into correlation with the numbers 7 and 24, the tension can be transmuted into artistic genius.

We saw that the most prominent day vibration was 23 (a magical number with a high level of occult significance. Gives curiosity, alchemy, and protection from the 5 elements).

The most prominent life path number was 16, which is a number that gives a meditative awareness capable of deep thought, and profound faculties of observation and contemplation.

The most prominent politician number was 20. 20 is a number that is about following your passion, and being able to make a living from that passion – but it is also a number that gives people skills (from the 2) and leadership skills (from the 0).

The number 18 featured prominently as the day vibration of prime ministers. 18 is a Mars vibration and gives a lot of focus and drive.

When it comes to art, design and aesthetics the number 6 stands out – and especially the number 24/6.

When we look at the worlds most famous painters we find a significant amount of them are born on a 6 day. For example Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Raphael.

Also in architecture and design we find that the number 24 has a special significance. For example the world famous founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, was born on the 24th and never compromised on design.

Our mission…To give you the most spot on and life transforming personal numerology report ever created. With in-depth descriptions of ALL your numbers, your unique codes for personal success, and the keys to harmony and love in your relationships

Through years of study of the Chaldean numerology system, we have cracked important codes for how to follow your birth numbers and names to achieve success. We’ve condensed our knowledge into an online interactive membership site and a 200+ page personal report that provides an in-depth description of all your innate energies that add up to your UNIQUE, NUMEROLOGICAL BLUEPRINT.

The report has been years in the making, and we’re confident it’s the world’s most in-depth report you won’t find anywhere else.

Our mission…To give you the most spot on and life transforming personal numerology report ever created. With in-depth descriptions of ALL your numbers, your unique codes for personal success, and the keys to harmony and love in your relationships

Through years of study of the Chaldean numerology system, we have cracked important codes for how to follow your birth numbers and names to achieve success. We’ve condensed our knowledge into an online interactive membership site and a 200+ page personal report that provides an in-depth description of all your innate energies that add up to your UNIQUE, NUMEROLOGICAL BLUEPRINT.

The report has been years in the making, and we’re confident it’s the world’s most in-depth report you won’t find anywhere else.

According to the ancient Vedic wisdom that permeates Chaldean numerology, the subtle architecture and psychology of the human being can be described in terms of 5 levels: the soul level, the psychic level, the astral level, the etheric level and the physical level.

This knowledge can be translated into the 5 major numerological charts:

1. Your higher self (your full birth date)2. Your psyche chart (calculated from your birth date)3. Your vocation chart (created from the vowels in your name)4. Your personality chart (created from the consonants in your names)5. Your name chart (created from your names)

In the Numerology Soul Blueprint and Name Report, you will be taken through your Five Chart Numeroscope™ discovering new aspects of your essential self as you peel an onion, layer by layer. You’ll get the keys to opening up the energies in your numbers, using them in the most positive way, and avoiding the pitfalls in your numbers that represent your personal karma and life lessons.

Your Vocation ChartThe vocation chart is built from the vowels in your name and shows your innermost, secret and hidden desires. Awakening these numbers helps you to fully activate and harness the law of attraction.

Your Personality ChartThe personality chart is built from the consonants in your names. The numbers in your personality chart show your charisma and how other people see you. Awakening the power of these numbers will give you a magnetic charisma that mesmerizes other people, which will speed up how fast you attain your goals.

Your Personality NumberThis number is a conclusion of all the numbers in your personality chart and is the main energy that people feel the moment they think about you or see you.

Your First NameShows the first impression you give other people and how you instinctively handle things, events or people the first time you encounter them.

Your Middle NamesShows what you identify with – and how you see your self. Important for your emotional stability and wellbeing.

Your SurnameShows the generations of karma programmed into your family name, and which you bring into your own life – especially in intimate relations.

Your Brand NumbersShow how others see or perceive you. These numbers are important for success and for generating wealth.

The numbers in the higher self chart are created solely by the numbers in our birth date. The essence numbers (common denomination of all the numbers in the Higher Self) are some of the most fascinating numbers in numerology as they tell the story of your unique life mission in this incarnation.
The numbers in the higher self can never be changed as you cannot change the day that you were born!

The psychic self is a fascinating chart that the chaldean numerologist uses to look deeply into the psyche. It is used after analyzing the higher self to go even more in-depth with the person’s psyche and mental development. During our lives different psychological needs, faculties and psychic powers awaken within us. The psychic self chart is a map that shows us when, where and in which areas of our lives our latent possibilities and highest potentials will awaken. In this way we can use this chart to get the best out of our lives by tuning into the fascinating aspects that the chart reveals to us.

We build the heart’s desire chart from the vowel values in your name. They tell about your desires, likes/dislikes, and the hidden motives behind everything that you do. These numbers also show you what your true intentions are behind your many choices. These numbers are also “resonators,” meaning that they attract what you desire into your life. These numbers show how you like to use your time – your hobbies and your interests.

We build the personality chart from the consonants in your names. Consonants are what give the actual “form” to the words, while vowels are more subtle and hidden. While your vocation chart maps out your inner desires, intention and will, your personality numbers define your personality and charisma – your “outer” and “final form” that you take in the physical world. We see here the characteristics, traits, and qualities that you transmit to the outer world. The personality chart is the map of the first impression you give to others, and for the most part, this is how far you let others get to know you.

Together with the birth day vibration, your names create all the other numbers in the human self chart: the auras, the theme of life, the column, the backbone, the number of vitality, the radiation number, and the centers. The human self is the most “physical” of the charts and tells us what we meet in life – what are the actual physical outcomes that we meet. In this section, we explore the meanings of your names and their energetic implications.

In this section we explore your different life areas: Your communication, your brand, your love and sex life, your friends, your colleagues and your relationship to money. All these things can be read from your name chart.

PatternsWe look at the different types of patterns that exist within and between the various numerological charts. Patterns are whether there are numbers or constellations of numbers that repeat in certain ways, which can reveal whether there are certain themes in life that are reinforced.

Problem areasHere we look at the worst problem areas in the setup. There are certain numbers that can cause problems, especially when they are in certain positions.

Vocation and Personality chart pointsHow good are your Vocation and Personality Charts, which are made up of the vowels and consonants of your name? Our scoring system rates both charts as a single system and awards points between -50 and 100.

Name chart pointsWe also do an evaluation of the name chart and look at the major problem areas.

Overall evaluationFinally, we do an overall evaluation of the vocation, personality, and name chart to assess how good the names are, whether they support the innate essence, or whether they create problems.

Going through your charts is also a brilliant way to begin your journey into numerology by both gaining a deep insight into yourself and your deepest potentials – AND learning about the different positions, numbers and meanings in all the numerological charts. This way you get an introduction to Chaldean Numerology while learning about your personal numbers/energies.

Explore your numbers on the member page where you can see different charts and information about your unique numbers and how to apply this information in your life for maximum results.

Explore your numbers on the member page where you can see different charts and information about your unique numbers and how to apply this information in your life for maximum results.

Probably the most detailed numerology report in the world with over 200 pages of deep insights into numerology and your numbers.

Probably the most detailed numerology report in the world with over 200 pages of deep insights into numerology and your numbers.

You can refund yourself anytime. No emails, no phone calls, no hassle. Just go to our refund page and get a full, friendly and fast refund. No questions asked.

Your satisfaction is important to us. We naturally expect you to absolutely love the product which has been developed over many years and which is built on the most profound principles of vibration, but we also know that not everyone can be 100% satisfied.

After payment, you will be automatically redirected to your membership page. The product(s) that you have purchased will be highlighted and not graded out. An email with all the login details will also be sent to the email address you provided at purchase. NOTE! If you use gmail, you should also check your spam folder for emails with login info.

Once you have accessed your member page, enter your full name and date of birth. This will generate all numbers and charts!

Now that you have entered your data, you will see your charts with numbers and explanations. In the membership site menu on the left, there will be a button you can click that will generate a 200+ page report for you.

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All Materials © 2023 Numerologist PRO

Terms of Service: Information provided by Numerologist PRO and/or from this web site is not intended as advice (medical, psychological, financial or other), nor is it intended to replace your work with a qualified professional (medical or otherwise). You should maintain your relationship with your providers and consider the services of this site as informational only. Any information, stories, examples, or testimonials presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual. This web site is a sharing of knowledge and information of numerology/energy work based on the experiences of Numerologist PRO. You are encouraged to make your own decisions based on your own research and inner guidance. By booking and receiving services, you agree to fully release and hold harmless Numerologist PRO and all it’s affiliated numerologists  from and against any liability or claim that may arise out of or in connection with their service(s).

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Numerologist PRO Report CB – Numerologist PRO is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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